RYCOM Pathfinder PLS

$ 5,195.67

Limited Stock

Built on a proven design, and with Pathfinder SAF Technology™ at its core, the Pathfinder PLS® offers RYCOM’s most advanced signal acquisition and filtering technology. The Pathfinder PLS® cable & pipe locator offers utility locators FrequencyFlex™ allowing users to adapt the system to their specific needs. Multiple active frequencies allow the user to accurately locate with a minimum of interference while maintaining the ability continue locating past faults and around conduit bends. Passive frequencies identify “live” and charged lines by their naturally occurring electromagnetic fields. The Pathfinder PLS® offers multiple passive frequencies — 50Hz, 60Hz, Radio Frequency, Cathodic Protection Rectifier & CATV — allowing line locating without the use of a transmitter.

Updated transmitter functions include improved transmitter induction, multi-frequency coupled induction ranging from 8 kHz to 118 kHz, and automatic impedance matching for direct connections. The5 watt or 10 watt transmitter has the ability to simultaneously apply an two frequencies to a utility. From one transmitter setting the user can locate the main line as well as other services by “lighting up” the entire site. This set-and-forget feature saves you time and money by reducing the need to repeatedly relocate the transmitter. All functions are accessed via weather-proof membrane buttons and both user input and transmitter status are verified with audible responses. The ergonomically designed and balanced Pathfinder PLS® receiver provides instant push-button depth up to 25 feet and current measurement to help identify target utilities in crowded easements. Proximity cues to the tracing signal are given to the user through either peak or null tone modes while the backlit digital display provides both relative and actual signal strength.

The Pathfinder PLS® can quickly and simply locate line when faults when used with the optional “A-frame” GRP (ground return probe). As the operator moves towards the fault the receiver will respond with rapidly peaking signal. When the “A-frame” is placed directly over the fault, the receiver will provide a null response.

Conduit pinches can be located using the optional Sondes. Operating on active frequencies of 512Hz, 640Hz, 815 Hz, 8 kHz, or 33kHz Rycom Instruments® Sondes are pushed into non-pressurized conduits and pipes until they reach the point of pinch or blockage. Traceable 25 feet in the air and 10 feet in cast iron, the PATHFINDER PLS® receiver will identify the precise location of the line blockage.

Contact us if you have any questions.

Limited Stock


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Product description

RYCOM Pathfinder PLS

  • FrequencyFlex™: offers 1000+ programmable frequencies crafted to individual locating requirements. FrequencyFlex™ allows push-button field customization at the job site.
  • 8 Locating Modes: the multi-channel processor allows for simultaneous field detection from a multiple antenna array ensuring accuracy
  • PathTraq™ Mobile Application: downloaded to your phone, Rycom’s PathTraq™ is a GPS & Data Logger application to provide real-time coordinate logging of field locations
  • Automatic Impedance Matching Technology: maximizes your transmission range while minimizing power consumption
  • PathLinkTM Technology: remotely controls your transmitter from the receiver to more than 400 yards
  • High-Contrast LCD Interface with Backlight: guides the operator to the target location by providing all relevant data including continuous depth, current measurement, signal strength, and directional arrows.
  • Constant Depth & Current Measurement: real time updates on line depth and signal condition
  • 84 wH Lithium-Ion Batteries: lighter weight design and longer operating life
  • 4-year warranty: registration extends warranty to 4 years.
  • Made in the USA since 1946: engineered in our Raytown, MO headquarters for more than 70 years

Spec Sheet download

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Product Specifications
Weight 15 lbs
Shipping Dimensions 35 × 20 × 10 in


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