MISO board approves $22B regional transmission plan with 765-kV backbone

“Our Tranche 2.1 portfolio … is a major leap forward for the [Midcontinent Independent System Operator] footprint, and in particular our Midwest region,” MISO’s Jeremiah Doner said.

MISO estimates that its Long Range Transmission Planning Tranche 2.1 projects will produce about $23 billion to $72 billion in net benefits over 20 years through avoided capacity costs, improved reliability and decarbonization, among other factors.

“Our Tranche 2.1 portfolio … is a major leap forward for the MISO footprint, and in particular our Midwest region,” Doner said.

The 765-kV lines, expected to total about 1,800 miles, will enable power flows across MISO’s central Midwest region that will be needed under different weather patterns, while relieving congestion and resolving local constraints, MISO said. In its eastern region, the Tranche 2.1 lines will better tie into the existing 765-kV network, unlocking generation and allowing increased transfers into and across the region, according to the grid operator.

Tying into PJM’s 765-kV system in Illinois, Indiana and Ohio will strengthen MISO’s interconnections with MISO’s neighbors, Doner said, noting that regional transmission is needed to bolster interregional power flows. “If you build out your regional network, that’ll also pay dividends in future interregional work as well,” Doner said.

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