AlturnaMATS, 2′ X 8′

AlturnaMat® is a high load capacity mat boasting an aggressive diamond plate tread design and a high load capacity ideal for use over soft or sensitive ground conditions in the construction, civil engineering, groundwork, and events industries. These rugged mats are made of 1/2″ (12.7 mm) thick polyethylene making them virtually indestructible.

Mats can withstand loads of up to 120 tons*, and its flexible construction means that these mats will follow the contours of the ground to deliver a highly effective access solution over undulating or sloping ground conditions.

Mats can be connected together using Turn-A-Links connectors to create a secure trackway or work pad.

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More Product Information


AlturnaMATS® Ground Protection Mats virtually eliminate equipment becoming stuck or causing rut damage. Constructed of 0.5″ thick engineered high-density plastic, ground mats are an ideal solution to the expensive problem of repeatedly replacing expensive plywood sheets or repairing ruts.

Plywood sheets break and splinter easily and provide almost no traction, especially in wet and muddy conditions. AlturnaMATS Ground Protection Mats for eliminate recurring plywood replacement costs, expensive turf repair and their aggressive tread pattern delivers excellent traction.

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Product Specifications
Weight 43 lbs
Shipping Dimensions 24 × 96 × 1 in



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