1952 Society Blog header

Can’t Miss Winter Gear for Linemen

You've likely heard the quote: "The best time to plant a tree was 30 years ago, the second best time is today." Well if you're a lineman right now, you might be thinking that the best time to buy winter gear was two months ago, but the good news is the second best...

Midwest to lead in ‘build, baby, build’

MISO has proven itself as a national leader in regional transmission planning — and other regions should take note. There’s been a chant building across the energy sector the last several months, “build, baby, build.” With the historic approval of a record-setting...

‘Good riddance’ says Oklahoma governor as DOE nixes 7 national transmission corridors, refines 3

The Biden administration is considering federal support for transmission development in certain areas, but many landowners have opposed the plan, including in Oklahoma and Kansas. The U.S. Department of Energy on Monday opened a 60-day public comment on three...

Equipment Stabilization Considerations for Utility Operations

Utility workers face numerous challenges in their quest to build, maintain and improve infrastructure. One significant yet sometimes overlooked challenge is the risk associated with equipment instability. Crucial aspects of equipment setup include stabilization of the...

MISO board approves $22B regional transmission plan with 765-kV backbone

“Our Tranche 2.1 portfolio … is a major leap forward for the [Midcontinent Independent System Operator] footprint, and in particular our Midwest region,” MISO’s Jeremiah Doner said. MISO estimates that its Long Range Transmission Planning Tranche 2.1 projects will...
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Welcome to The 1952 Society at Tallman Equipment! Think of this as your inside scoop on everything new, exciting, and essential in the electric utility industry and at Tallman. We’re here to keep you in the loop with the latest updates and innovations that matter to you.


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For Thursday, Jan 09
GEMC NewTrailer

We’re more than just tool Sales

Check Out Our Unique Combination of Services

Tool & Equipment Rental

When new equipment purchases aren’t an option, Tallman Equipment’s tool rental department is here to meet your shorter-term needs! We house a large inventory of the most commonly used equipment for the construction and maintenance of electrical transmission and distribution systems.

Tool & Equipment Repair

We consider no tool to be outside the experience and training of our technicians. Some examples of commonly repaired tools include hydraulic, pneumatic, gas, and battery-powered equipment, stringing blocks, dynamometers, chain hoists, strap hoists, capstan hoists, and rope products.

Grounds & Jumpers
Manufacturing, repair and refurbishment 

Tallman Equipment has a full-service assembly department skilled in building and repairing custom grounds and jumpers. We can build customized grounds and jumpers to your specifications as quickly as a day. Our testing process meets ASTM standards

Rope Fabrication

& Rope Repair

Tallman leads the industry in developing and manufacturing transformer slings. Whatever your need may be, our trained and certified Master Splicer can build custom rope assemblies for unique applications, along with winch lines for buckets, diggers, bumper winches, and high strength tow ropes.


Testing, Repair & Refinishing

Tallman offers complete repair and reconditioning of your fiberglass tools compliant with OSHA and ASTM standards. Our technicians can tackle all brands of hot sticks, conductor and support gins, ladders, extension arms, shotgun sticks, fixed sticks, and much more.

Rubber Goods
Cleaning & Testing 

Tallman is now offering rubber goods testing and cleaning of linemen’s rubber gloves, blankets, sleeves, hoods, line hose, and hardcover. All testing and procedures conform to ASTM standards and involve thorough washing, visual inspection, dielectric testing, and date stamping.