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‘Good riddance’ says Oklahoma governor as DOE nixes 7 national transmission corridors, refines 3
The Biden administration is considering federal support for transmission development in certain areas, but many landowners have opposed the plan, including in Oklahoma and Kansas. The U.S. Department of Energy on Monday opened a 60-day public comment on three...
Equipment Stabilization Considerations for Utility Operations
Utility workers face numerous challenges in their quest to build, maintain and improve infrastructure. One significant yet sometimes overlooked challenge is the risk associated with equipment instability. Crucial aspects of equipment setup include stabilization of the...
MISO board approves $22B regional transmission plan with 765-kV backbone
“Our Tranche 2.1 portfolio … is a major leap forward for the [Midcontinent Independent System Operator] footprint, and in particular our Midwest region,” MISO’s Jeremiah Doner said. MISO estimates that its Long Range Transmission Planning Tranche 2.1 projects will...
A Three-Tiered Approach to Securing Buy-In for Safety Initiatives
Despite widespread recognition of the importance of worker safety, gaining consistent buy-in for safety initiatives remains a significant challenge for many safety and operational leaders. Even with the best intentions and efforts, safety programs too often become...
The Intersection of Infrastructure and Environment
Salmon and steel transmission poles are words not often used in the same sentence in the power delivery industry. As utility professionals responsible for the infrastructure spanning the countryside through a myriad of environmental and ecological conditions, we know that wildlife can be impacted by the work we do. Is it possible to protect both with the right mindset and approach to T&D asset management?
Don’t Forget the Gifts for Linemen in Your Life This Christmas
The cold wind from the north, the layer of brine on the streets (and cars), the bell ringers in red hats in front of the big box stores, kids so amped up that they are practically vibrating, and the proliferation of decorative lights on houses all point to one fact:...