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Trusted Industry Leaders

Serving since 1952

Expert Tool Repair Services

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Since its founding in 1995, DDIN has partnered with Tallman Equipment to provide some of the best tools for linemen on the market today. All DDIN tools and equipment are manufactured to the highest qualitycontrol standards and can withstand the abuse linemen place on them. Tallman Equipment is proud to carry the complete line of DDIN tools and equipment, including stringing blocks, traveling grounds, transformer slings, rigging blocks, and many other items linemen have come to rely on. DDIN manufactures many products in the United States, using domestically sourced materials whenever possible. For more information on any of the DDIN tools we carry, check out our online shop any time or call us between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at 877-860-5666. 

New from DDIN 

Impact Adapters

Pre-Splice Cutters

Universal Disconnect HEAD

Universal Shotgun Adapter

DDIN Impact Adapters
DDIN Impact Adapters
universal disconnect head
universal shotgun adapter