Tools Every Utility Bucket Truck Needs

Tools Every Utility Bucket Truck Needs

When storms roll in and the power goes out, the utility bucket truck serves as a mobile office for linemen. The tools and equipment on the truck need to be sufficient to effectively complete the job while also keeping the linemen safe from injury and shock. Given the...
Can’t Miss Winter Gear for Linemen

Can’t Miss Winter Gear for Linemen

You’ve likely heard the quote: “The best time to plant a tree was 30 years ago, the second best time is today.” Well if you’re a lineman right now, you might be thinking that the best time to buy winter gear was two months ago, but the good...
Don’t Forget the Gifts for Linemen in Your Life This Christmas

Don’t Forget the Gifts for Linemen in Your Life This Christmas

The cold wind from the north, the layer of brine on the streets (and cars), the bell ringers in red hats in front of the big box stores, kids so amped up that they are practically vibrating, and the proliferation of decorative lights on houses all point to one fact:...
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Tool Rental Company

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Tool Rental Company

Importance of choosing the right tool rental company Choosing the right tool rental company is crucial when it comes to ensuring project success, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness for utility construction companies. The tools and equipment used on a project can...
Benefits of Renting Specialized Tools

Benefits of Renting Specialized Tools

Benefits of Renting Specialized Tools Renting specialized tools for linemen offers numerous benefits for utility construction companies and independent contractors. One of the primary advantages is the ability to save costs on purchasing expensive equipment that may...
Don’t Forget the Gifts for Linemen in Your Life This Christmas

A Time to Give Thanks (for Linemen)

From the earliest days of agriculture people have celebrated the conclusion of harvest time with a feast. When the last bushels and barrels are in the barns and the harvesting equipment is all stowed away for the winter, the party hats come out. The Industrial...