Reduce Risk with New Strategies for Operator Training

Reduce Risk with New Strategies for Operator Training

Utilities and utility contractors highly value safety. However, labor shortages can sometimes corner field supervisors into making a judgment call about whether an equipment operator is ready for the task. If Foreman A believes an operator is ready after several weeks...
Grounding for Stringing in Energized Environments

Grounding for Stringing in Energized Environments

A few years ago I came upon a crew using 6-inch chocks to hold back a 38-ton crane truck. I told the crew I was happy that they were making an effort at compliance, but I had to ask them, “Why do we place chocks under a truck’s wheels? Is it to comply with our safety...
Assessing and Mitigating Risk in Helicopter Line Work

Assessing and Mitigating Risk in Helicopter Line Work

Aerial line work using helicopters is a proven method utilized in our industry to perform certain tasks safely and efficiently. Helicopters have supported the utility industry since 1947. Operators conducting aerial work in support of the utility industry encounter...
Dielectric Testing for Insulating Aerial Devices

Dielectric Testing for Insulating Aerial Devices

Insulating aerial devices and digger derricks are used to provide a level of protection to their operators and ground personnel who work around energized power lines. Following established safe work procedures is critical, as is testing and maintaining the equipment...
What to do if you come across downed power lines

What to do if you come across downed power lines

Storms are just one factor that can cause downed power lines. But what do you do once you find one? Firstly, you should always assume it’s live. Just because you don’t see sparks, or hear any noise coming from it, doesn’t mean it’s not active. National Grid has a few...