It doesn’t hurt to have a little bit of a Gypsy Soul Born and raised in a small town in British Columbia, Ryan never dreamed of becoming a lineman even though his father owned a small power line company. It wasn’t until a foreman who worked for his father pulled...
Being a Great Dad, Husband, and Lineman is all about “Be Where Your Feet Are.” If you’re a lineman – or in the trades – and a father working hard to provide for your family, David Mendonca wants you to know you’re not alone. And if you’re...
“Linemen are American heroes.” That’s the thesis of Alan Drew’s ode to the men and women who energized America. The American Lineman looks like a history book meets a science book, but ultimately, it’s the author’s love letter to those who keep the lights on....
Taking care of your grounds and jumpers A lineman’s ground and jumper cables look and feel like they’re built to last forever, but looks can be deceiving. They get tossed in the truck, dropped in the mud, left hanging in the rain, and generally overlooked. With...
Keeping the power running to homes, businesses, and hospitals is a 24/7 job. When the power goes out, it’s a lineman who climbs a pole or clambers underground to restore it. Fixing high-voltage lines in freezing rain and blistering heat demands tough lineman tools and...