Xcel CEO Says Flip the Grid Process and Build Power Lines First

Xcel CEO Says Flip the Grid Process and Build Power Lines First

The US should build electric transmission lines in places with strong clean-energy potential rather than waiting for solar and wind farms to be developed first, Xcel Energy Inc. Chief Executive Officer Bob Frenzel said in an interview Monday. Installing power lines...
Sara to soon form in Caribbean, track into Florida next week

Sara to soon form in Caribbean, track into Florida next week

All eyes are on a tropical depression in the Caribbean which will become a tropical storm, trigger life-threatening flooding rain in Central America and is forecast to track into Florida next week. A batch of showers and thunderstorms over the central Caribbean was...
Ruling Spans and Proper Conductor Sag

Ruling Spans and Proper Conductor Sag

The cold winter weather of recent months has prompted many conversations about proper sagging and tension on transmission and distribution conductors. Improper sagging and excessively high tension on conductors – past their rated breaking strength – have caused...