“Our Tranche 2.1 portfolio … is a major leap forward for the [Midcontinent Independent System Operator] footprint, and in particular our Midwest region,” MISO’s Jeremiah Doner said. MISO estimates that its Long Range Transmission Planning Tranche 2.1 projects will...
Despite widespread recognition of the importance of worker safety, gaining consistent buy-in for safety initiatives remains a significant challenge for many safety and operational leaders. Even with the best intentions and efforts, safety programs too often become...
Salmon and steel transmission poles are words not often used in the same sentence in the power delivery industry. As utility professionals responsible for the infrastructure spanning the countryside through a myriad of environmental and ecological conditions, we know...
Electrification in buildings—especially for space heating— is advancing across the US driven by policy incentives, consumer preferences, and advances in technology. Electrification in buildings—especially for space heating— is advancing across the US driven by policy...
In New England, Eversource and National Grid are advancing two local projects totaling $724 million as state utility regulators push for more oversight. Spending on local transmission projects has been increasing across the United States with little regulatory...
The report focuses at the number of U.S. distribution transformer units, the number and capacity of the assets, the units’ current age profile, and demand for distribution transformers. The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Electricity (OE) has released...