The PJM Interconnection board approved $5.9 billion in new transmission projects to bolster reliability across the grid operator’s footprint, PJM said Wednesday. That, combined with changes to the scope and cost of existing projects, mean PJM’s latest Regional...
Executives at Dominion Energy Inc. and Duke Energy Corp. have added a combined $17 billion to their five-year capital investment plans, with both groups saying that the data center boom shows no signs of slowing. At Dominion, which services the heart of the U.S. data...
A layered approach that includes FR/AR undergarments can enhance worker safety, comfort and compliance. Given the arc flash hazards and other risks that exist in electric utility work environments, an employer’s commitment to employee safety must never falter. It is...
“Net-zero policies raise energy costs for American families and businesses, threaten the reliability of our energy system, and undermine our energy and national security,” DOE Secretary Wright said. The U.S. Department of Energy will focus on growing baseload and...
The Trump administration will likely scrutinize funding for renewables and climate change mitigation, potentially affecting outlays for critical grid investments, experts say. In the waning days of the Biden administration, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Loan...
Gridware devices use AI to listen to power lines for potential problems. On a plot of land on the eastern shore of San Francisco Bay, startup Gridware built a full-scale electrical grid, complete with 50-foot poles, 200-foot spans of wire, and 12.5 kilovolts of power...