Edison International’s Pizarro: Load Growth Faster Than Expected

Edison International’s Pizarro: Load Growth Faster Than Expected

Updating its 10-year forecast from 2022, SCE’s parent has identified an additional 1.4 gigawatts of demand. The parent company of Southern California Edison is registering demand growth more quickly than its leaders had been expecting—a trend that CEO Pedro Pizarro...
Here’s Why Everybody is Talking About the 2024 Hurricane Season

Here’s Why Everybody is Talking About the 2024 Hurricane Season

For many, the archetypal image of a lineman is the guy up in an aerial bucket working tirelessly to restore power in the aftermath of a storm. The sight of utility workers fighting the elements amidst downed trees and toppled utility poles represents humanity’s...
4 Steps Utilities are Taking to Avert Wildfires

4 Steps Utilities are Taking to Avert Wildfires

Although there is not a one-size-fits-all approach to reducing wildfire risk, strategies that prioritize speed, resilience, early detection and prevention, and added intelligence are vital to harden the grid and they’re paying off—dramatically reducing risks...